18 Energy Saving Tips for the Summer

Mar 2, 2023

When summer hits in Australia, households rely on cooling devices like air conditioners and fans to keep themselves comfortable. However, these appliances consume a considerable amount of energy and can increase your electricity bills significantly. The good news is that there are many ways to save energy and reduce your costs during the summer months. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some effective energy-saving tips that you can implement to keep your home cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. Have a chat with the team at WACOMM commercial electrical company today to learn more about energy-saving solutions and products for your home or business. Our team of experts can provide you with tailored solutions to help you save energy and reduce your bills. 

Tip #1: Use fans and ventilation

Fans and ventilation are a great way to keep your home cool without consuming a lot of energy. You can use ceiling fans to circulate cool air throughout your home, and portable fans to target specific areas. 

Also, using natural ventilation can help keep your home cool during the night or early morning. Open windows and doors to let cool air in and warm air out. However, make sure to close them before the outside temperature rises. You can also use window coverings like blinds and curtains to block direct sunlight and reduce the heat gain in your home. 

Tip #2: Use air conditioning efficiently 

Air conditioning can provide instant relief from the heat, but it can also consume a lot of energy if not used efficiently. Here are some tips to help you use your air conditioner more efficiently: 

  • Set your air conditioner temperature to 24-26°C: This is the optimal temperature for comfort and energy efficiency. Every degree lower can increase energy consumption by up to 10%. 
  • Use the timer function: Set your air conditioner to turn on 30 minutes before you arrive home, and turn off 30 minutes before you leave. This ensures that your home is cool when you need it, but not wasting energy when you are away. 
  • Clean or replace the air filter regularly: A dirty or clogged filter reduces the airflow and makes your air conditioner work harder, increasing energy consumption. 

Tip #3: Use energy-efficient appliances 

Energy-efficient appliances can help you save a significant amount of energy and money in the long run. When shopping for appliances, look for the Energy Rating Label, which indicates how energy-efficient the appliance is. Choose appliances with high star ratings, as they consume less energy and are more cost-effective. Some examples of energy-efficient appliances are: 

  • LED light bulbs: These use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last longer. 
  • Inverter refrigerators: These use less energy than conventional refrigerators and maintain a more consistent temperature, reducing food spoilage. 
  • Heat pump dryers: These use up to 50% less energy than traditional dryers, making them more cost-effective. 

Tip #4: Use smart home technology 

Smart home technology can help you save energy and reduce your bills by automating your home’s energy consumption. Here are some examples of how smart home technology can help: 

  • Smart thermostats: These can learn your preferences and automatically adjust the temperature in your home based on your schedule, saving energy when you are away. 
  • Smart plugs: These can turn off appliances like TVs and computers when they are not in use, reducing standby power consumption. 
  • Smart lighting: These can automatically turn off lights when you leave a room, saving energy and reducing your bills. 

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Tip #5: Reduce hot water consumption 

Hot water consumption can contribute to a significant portion of your energy bills. Here are some ways to reduce hot water consumption: 

  • Take shorter showers: Reduce your shower time to save water and energy. A 4-minute shower can save up to 20 litres of water and reduce energy consumption. 
  • Fix leaks: A leaking tap or showerhead can waste up to 200 litres of water a day, increasing your hot water consumption and bills. Fix any leaks as soon as you notice them. 
  • Use cold water for laundry: Washing clothes in cold water can save up to 80% of the energy used for washing in hot water. 
  • Insulate hot water pipes: Insulating your hot water pipes can reduce heat loss and ensure that hot water reaches your taps faster, reducing your waiting time and water waste. 

Tip #6: Maintain your appliances 

Regular maintenance of your appliances can help them work efficiently and last longer, reducing the need for replacements and saving you money. Here are some maintenance tips: 

  • Clean the condenser coils of your refrigerator: Dirty coils can reduce the efficiency of your refrigerator, making it work harder and consume more energy. 
  • Check and clean the filters of your air conditioner: Dirty filters can reduce the airflow and make your air conditioner work harder, increasing energy consumption. 
  • Clean the lint filter of your dryer: A clogged lint filter can reduce the airflow and make your dryer work harder, increasing energy consumption. 
  • Regularly service your air conditioner: Regular servicing can help identify any issues and ensure that your air conditioner is working efficiently. 

Find out how WACOMM can help you with preventative maintenance and servicing. 

Tip #7: Use natural light 

In Australia, the summer days are long and bright, so take advantage of natural light instead of using artificial lighting. Open your curtains and blinds to let in as much light as possible, and avoid using lights during the day. Natural light not only saves energy but also improves your mood and well-being. 

Tip #8: Plant trees and shrubs 

Planting trees and shrubs around your home or business can provide shade and reduce the heat absorbed by your building, which can lower your cooling costs. Trees and shrubs can also improve air quality, provide privacy, and enhance the aesthetics of your property. 

Tip #9: Use a pool cover 

If you have a swimming pool, using a pool cover can help reduce water evaporation and heat loss, which can save you money on water and energy bills. A pool cover can also keep your pool clean and reduce the need for chemicals. 

Tip #10: Use a programmable thermostat 

A programmable thermostat can help you save energy and money by automatically adjusting your temperature settings based on your schedule. You can set the thermostat to turn off or reduce cooling when you’re not home, and turn it back on before you return. This can help you avoid wasting energy and money cooling an empty house. 

Tip #11: Unplug electronics when not in use 

Electronics and appliances that are plugged in can still consume energy, even when not in use. This is known as standby power, and it can account for up to 10% of your energy bills. To avoid standby power, unplug electronics and appliances when you’re not using them, or use a power strip with an on/off switch to easily turn them off. 

Tip #12: Use energy-efficient light bulbs 

Replacing your traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs can save you money on your energy bills. LEDs use up to 80% less energy and last much longer than incandescent bulbs. They also come in a range of brightness and colours, making them a great option for all your lighting needs. 

Tip #13: Cook outside 

Using your oven or stove can heat up your home, causing your air conditioner to work harder and use more energy. Cooking outside on a grill or barbeque is a great way to enjoy the warm weather and save energy at the same time. Plus, grilled food is delicious and healthy! 

Tip #14: Use a ceiling fan 

Ceiling fans are a great alternative to air conditioning and can help circulate cool air throughout your home. They use less energy than air conditioners and can make you feel more comfortable by creating a cool breeze. 

Tip #15: Reduce heat-generating activities 

Activities such as cooking, showering, and doing laundry can generate a lot of heat, which can make your home feel warmer and cause your air conditioner to work harder. To reduce the amount of heat generated, cook and shower during the cooler parts of the day, and use your dryer and dishwasher in the evening. 

Tip #16: Use reflective window film 

Reflective window film can help reduce the amount of heat that enters your home through your windows, which can lower your cooling costs. The film reflects the sun’s heat and glare, while still allowing natural light to enter your home. 

Tip #17: Install a solar water heater 

A solar water heater can help you save money on hot water bills by using the sun’s energy to heat your water. They are an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional hot water systems, and can provide hot water even on cloudy days. 

Tip #18: Take advantage of energy rebates 

In Australia, many states and territories offer energy rebates for energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar panels, insulation, and efficient appliances. Check with your local government or energy provider to see if you are eligible for any rebates or incentives. 

Final thoughts 

In conclusion, there are many ways to save energy during the summer months and reduce your electricity bills without compromising your comfort. Using fans and ventilation, using air conditioning efficiently, cooking outside, unplugging electronics, reducing hot water consumption, and maintaining your appliances are some effective ways to save energy. 

If you’re interested in implementing energy-saving solutions in your home or business, contact WACOMM, leading the way for commercial electrical companies Perth. We provide a range of products and services that can help you save energy and reduce your bills. Remember, every little bit counts, so start implementing these tips today and make a positive impact on the environment and your wallet. 


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