Installing CCTV cameras at work

Dec 10, 2021

CCTV cameras have been a game-changer throughout the world since their launch in the latter part of last century. Whether at home or in the workplace, CCTV cameras have deterred, or at the very least, identified criminals in most cases and help police and/or business owners get the facts should something occur.

However, before you go ahead and get CCTV cameras installed at your workplace, there are a few things to consider beforehand.

Want to know the considerations to make before installing CCTV cameras at work?

Read more from the Perth electrical contractors at Wacomm, to find out.


Camera type

There are plenty of CCTV cameras and related products and accessories available on the market. Know what one would best suit your businesses purposes before buying the first and only one you lay eyes on.

The most popular CCTV cameras in modern times are wireless, mainly because they are ‘less messy.’

Consider too, the different type of CCTV cameras. Where traditional directional (aka bullet) cameras are often fixed, pointing in one direction, dome cameras can provide a 360 degree coverage of the area around them.



Take a walk around your workplace and determine the most vulnerable points of the space. These will ultimately be where CCTV cameras are beneficial. Remember inside is just as necessary as outside CCTV camera installation.

It’s best to consult your trusted Perth commercial electrician in this, we will be able to help you figure out the best possible locations to mount cameras and get optimal coverage.

Make sure to let us know what areas you’re most concerned about as well, because nobody knows your business like you do.


Declaration legalities

Did you know that it’s a legal requirement to let people know that they are being recorded? So, don’t forget to display some signage on your premises outlining that CCTV is installed and in use.

This goes without saying but consider this a reminder – it’s illegal to install CCTV in private areas such as bathrooms, toilet cubicles and change rooms.



Depending on where your business is located, you may need to seek permission from relevant authorities prior to installing CCTV. Even if not legally required, it’s still a welcomed courtesy as you may unintentionally be covering a portion of your neighbour’s property with your outside cameras.


Technical considerations

There are a few questions that need answering before CCTV camera installation in the workplace.

These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Do you need to record video footage in HD?
  • Is there any additional equipment needed, such as storage hardware?
  • How long do you intend to store recorded video footage for?
  • Who will operate the CCTV system, and will it be via remote access?



Worked out all of the above? Now it’s time to organise a professional to install the system safely and efficiently for you.

After all, priceless equipment like this should never be undertaken as a DIY job.


Need a professional commercial electrician to install CCTV cameras at your workplace?

Contact Wacomm today for reputable and reliable services. We’re ready when you are.

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