Navigating the Complexities of Modern Electrical Design

Feb 21, 2024

Chances are you’ve had to use electricity today, whether by travelling, communicating, entertaining, or completing your day-to-day chores. You’re using it right now to read this article. All this has been courtesy of modern electrical design and designers like WACOMM, who carefully plan and coordinate every aspect of an electrical system. So, what are the complexities modern electrical engineers have to face? 

Electrical Evolution 

The evolution of electrical design has been incredible. What began with basic circuits and simple wiring has evolved into sophisticated systems that integrate advanced components such as microprocessors, sensors, and renewable energy sources. Just take a look around your home. The basic light switch has been joined by any number of smart devices and automated appliances. 

Today, electrical engineers and designers are tasked with creating solutions that meet the growing demand for power and address the challenges of energy efficiency, environmental impact, and reliability. It’s no small task.  

Electrical Design Considerations 

Modern electrical design refers to the process of creating, planning, and installing electrical systems in buildings, infrastructure, machinery, and other applications. Let’s look at some of the key considerations of modern electrical design. 

  • Energy Efficiency: Designing systems to minimise energy consumption and maximise efficiency through the use of advanced components, intelligent controls, and energy management strategies. 
  • Integration of Renewable Energy: Green is clean! Incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power into electrical systems reduces the reliance on fossil fuels and decreases environmental impact.  
  • Power Density: With the increasing demand for smaller, lighter, and more efficient electronic devices, designers must pack more functionality into smaller spaces while ensuring they don’t overheat. Less can sometimes mean more (if it can remain cool). 
  • Smart Grid Technologies: Using digital communication and automation technologies to create intelligent electrical grids that optimise energy distribution and allow for advanced monitoring and control. This data helps consumers make smarter decisions about when and how to use electricity more efficiently, such as only using your washing machine at certain times. 
  • Safety and Compliance: Ensuring electrical designs adhere to relevant safety codes, regulations, and standards to protect people and property. Electrical systems can pose significant hazards if incorrectly designed and installed, leading to risks such as electric shock, fire, and equipment damage.  
  • Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): As electronic devices become more compact and complex, they are more susceptible to electromagnetic interference from internal and external sources. Designers must employ shielding and filtering techniques to minimise EMI. 
  • Automation and Control Systems: Implementing sophisticated control systems, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and human-machine interfaces (HMIs) to automate processes, improve productivity, and enhance system flexibility and responsiveness. 
  • Integration with Building Management Systems (BMS): Integrating electrical systems with BMS allows for better monitoring, control, and use of building services such as HVAC, lighting, and security.  
  • Data and Communication Infrastructure: Designing strong data and communication networks to support various technologies, including telecommunications, internet connectivity, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 
  • Security Concerns: As more devices become connected to the internet (IoT), cybersecurity becomes a critical consideration in electrical design. Designers must implement measures to protect against cyber threats, including data breaches and malicious attacks. 
  • Advanced Materials and Components: Using innovative materials, devices, and equipment such as energy-efficient lighting fixtures, high-performance cables, and smart sensors to enhance system performance and reliability. 
  • Sustainability: Incorporating sustainable design principles and practices to minimise environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote long-term sustainability. 
  • Resilience: As our reliance on electricity grows, so does the need for systems that can withstand and recover from disruptions such as natural disasters and equipment failures. This involves implementing backup power systems and advanced control capabilities to ensure continuity of service even when the going gets tough. 
  • Cost Constraints: Cost-effective design is crucial, particularly in consumer electronics markets where price competitiveness is high. To meet target price points, designers must balance performance, features, and manufacturing costs. Even electricity cannot escape capitalism.  

Complexity Management 

To manage modern electrical design, engineers break down complex systems into manageable subsystems. Think about it like this. If you cut up a big steak, it’s much easier to chew and swallow it. Here are some of the subsystems to chew on: 

  • Integrated Circuits (ICs): These are tiny electronic chips that do a lot of work in modern devices. Designing them is like solving a complicated puzzle; every piece (transistor) needs to fit perfectly to make the whole thing work. Designers use sophisticated Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools to simulate, verify, and optimise IC designs before they are made. 
  • Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs): Think of PCBs as the main highways where electronic components travel and communicate in devices. Making sure these “highways” are efficient and don’t get too crowded with traffic (signals) is a challenge. Designers use CAD software and employ techniques such as multi-layer boards to plan and organise these “highways” to avoid problems like traffic jams (signal interference). 
  • Interconnected Devices: Modern electronic systems often consist of interlinked devices communicating via various interfaces such as USB, Ethernet, HDMI, and wireless connections like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Ensuring they understand each other and work well together is like ensuring people from different countries can communicate easily. This requires attention to detail during design and rigorous testing during development. 
  • Design Debugging: Identifying and resolving issues in complex electrical designs can be time-consuming and challenging. Designers use a combination of simulation tools, diagnostic equipment (e.g., oscilloscopes, logic analysers), and troubleshooting techniques to find and fix problems. This is like when your car’s computer runs a diagnostic test to find out what’s wrong. 
  • Maintenance and Upgradability: Just as cars get regular tune-ups and upgrades, electronic devices must be maintained and sometimes improved. Designing electrical systems with scalability in mind allows for easier expansions or modifications. If something needs replacing or upgrading, you don’t want to destroy half a building just to get to it! 

WACOMM: The Electrical Elite 

As we continue to innovate and advance in the field of electrical engineering, strong design principles and practices are essential. These can be found at WACOMM, along with experienced installation and modern, progressive services.  Whatever your needs, we have the skills and knowledge to meet them. So, if you have any design or installation queries, contact us today! 

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Since 1997, WACOMM has been providing Commercial and Industrial Electrical services in Perth, Western Australia. Experienced and efficient, David and the team at WACOMM have the skilled knowledge to complete medium and large scale projects to the highest possible standard in Perth.

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